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Skippie - January 10th, 1982 - October 17th, 2013
Skippie is the foundation horse of our herd. I was only 10 years old when my parents bought Skippie for me. She used to be a racehorse and has a tattoo under her lip and on her neck that reads 1214. She is a standardbred, and her colour is a dark bay, she has no white markings on her. When I was 14 she foaled a handsome little colt we called Durango. She had 2 other foals after that, named Tucker and Aries. Aries lives at Heritage Stables with her brother Durango. Skippie moved to Heritage Stables from my family farm in the summer of 2013 where she continued to enjoy her retirement. She passed away at the age of 31.